An historical carded yarn made with a pure Wool of the highest quality that in this collection is enriched by a shade card of 96 colors all in Stock Service, greatly increasing its possibility of use. All the colors offered are RWS certified and made of wool Merinos extra fine superior 120'S fibers. The 1/15 count allows to knit soft hand feel and rich-looking garments on the 12-gauge machine even from simple plain jersey. By doubling the count and playing on the stitch structure, the effect is always successful. The huge color card proposed allows to have multi-ply yarns, twisted and customized on the base of the clients’ requests. For 2/15 count, you can have both solid and moulinè colors with a min 6 kg. It’s possible to create custom shades choosing from the LORY GEO RWS Stock Service shade card, even stripes, jacquard effects, inlays etc.